Project Brief
Lady Bladez, under the skilled guidance of Mica, sought to seamlessly blend traditional barber and beauty services with modern online conveniences. The mission was clear: elevate the shop’s presence in Littleton, CO, establishing a strong digital footprint while enhancing the overall customer experience.
- Barbershop
- Jan. 2023
- Littleton, CO

Lady Bladez's Digital Makeover
In collaboration with us Lady Bladez underwent a transformative journey. A bespoke website was crafted, mirroring the shop's physical elegance in the digital realm. Simultaneously, a meticulously designed sign became a beacon in Littleton, signifying Lady Bladez's commitment to quality. The integration of the Gloss Genius booking system simplified client engagement, while retaining the essence of existing branding ensured a seamless transition between the shop's physical and digital identities. The outcomes were significant - a visible and recognizable presence, effortless client engagement, and consistent branding across channels.